Sunday, 26 February 2012

Lizzie popped in to say Hi today

We had a visit today from one of our Cockapoos. Last summer Lizzie was returned to us within a fortnight of her leaving, due to a change in the personal circumstances of her owners. We were asked to foster her until we found her a new forever home which is part of our lifelong support to any customer. With such an adorable puppy the foster stage was very short and within 48 hours fate brought the lovely Poole family to our door. At 9 months old Lizzie is growing into the most beautiful and charming dog. Thank you so much for coming to see us today.




  1. Oh Lizzie looks gorgeous! It looks to me like she is one very happy and much loved dog. How lovely that they found the time to pop and see you x

  2. what a pretty lady :) i bet it really is nice to see how the pups grow and develope
