Our Set-Up

Jukee Doodles is at our home set in a four acre smallholding in the heart of rural Lincolnshire. Our dogs run alongside three horses, lots of farm cats, an assortment of children most of which seem to come and go these days.

For us this is our Lifestyle 24/7, therefore we can welcome visitors any day of the week. We have experienced that as Cockapoos become more popular so buyers are looking to become more educated.  We have been Vet and RSPCA inspected and have a full Council Breeding Licence. Anyone who requires more in-depth information about the breed and care of young puppies then we would love to chat.



Woody III

For those who want to get hands-on and play with adult Cockapoos,  Yogi, Woody III and Nike live here as our pets, meet working cocker mums and the more modern poodles that we have here we welcome people to pay us a visit, even if it is just a fact finding tour.
 We openly say to people, if we were now looking for a puppy, we would ideally be looking to visit two or three different breeders. We would not take a cheque book as it's vital to be able to walk away and give it rational thought. We would never buy a puppy if we felt it needed 'saving' as we are fully aware that potentially we could be buying a lot of future problems and expense.

Summer gives brief moments to relax

"WELL, Flossie said to Maisy................."

Winter is fun too!